
Here's What You Can Expect...

group training clients smiling

Your first consultation will be between 30min and 60min long. We will take the time and care to listen to you and identify the underlying contributing factors associated with your condition and/or injury. This is such an important step in the process. You will not feel rushed. We want to hear about you and your whole story.

We provide you with a Health Game Plan™. This goes above and beyond a Care Plan. The Health Game Plan™ is unique to Adaptive Physiotherapy & Massage.

A high level overview the Health Game Plan™ consists of 5 steps. But make no mistake there is nothing simple about this.

game plan

What is important to note is the review process. Nothing is set and forget. 

"At Adaptive Physiotherapy & Massage we constantly review your progress to make sure you are progressing and getting closer to your goal."

lady on ski machine

And through this whole process you have input into this health journey as Adaptive Physiotherapy & Massage partners with you to create the Health Game Plan.

What we have discovered is having an effective partnership is absolutely necessary in order to achieve great outcomes.

This enable Adaptive Physiotherapy & Massage to be responsive to your needs.

We identified long ago, that our patients and clients wanted to participate in their own health, fitness & treatment plans.

And this is what makes Adaptive Physiotherapy & Massage different.

We honour the fact that you have the right and duty to participate individually and collaboration in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of health care.. And it is through your collaboration we create the Health Game Plan™.