

We understand, when you have depression or anxiety, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do.

But once you get started, exercise can make a big difference.

And, that is what we are here for… to help make that easy for you!

It is estimated that 1in 10 adults in the Australia struggles with depression. So I want to reassure you… you are not alone.

Most people think that antidepressant medications is the only way. However, pills aren’t the only solution. Research shows that exercise is also an effective treatment, but without the side-effects.

Man Exercising with Exercise Physiologist
lady learning to deadlift

Exercise is an all-natural treatment to fight Depression

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for several reasons. Below are just some of the benefits:

Your Exercise Physiologists is able to identify and respond to behaviours arising from depression and is aware of the side effects from any medications the patient may be on (such as dizziness or elevated blood pressure). 

One vigorous exercise session can help alleviate symptoms for hours… and regular exercise may significantly reduce symptoms of depression.

Discover how our Exercise Physiologists can help you…

You Exercise Physiologist will help you manage or recover from depression.

They will provide support, education/guidance and a positive exercise experience. 

When you talk with our Exercise Physiologist, we will cover with you the following:

man doing suspension row

Health Services

Not everyone knows that Accredited Exercise Physiology is covered by some public health schemes and private insurances.

Medicare Logo
Medicare Plans
Veterans Affairs Logo
Veteran Affairs
Private Health Funds
Private Health Funds


Simply complete this contact form and our office manager will be in touch with you shortly to set up a time for your free consultation.