Are you suffering from Foot & Ankle pain? Are you looking for a real solution with real results? Our physiotherapists will get you moving again pain free!
Your Ankle Pain Solution
Ankle injuries can cause some of the most severe and uncomfortable pains of all injuries.
If you’ve recently become a victim of a painful ankle injury, it’s essential that you know your options about this sensitive, delicate area.
If your ankle injury is not given the proper care and attention it needs to heal completely and correctly, you run the risk of an injury reoccurring, possibly with further damage.
Ankle injuries usually limit your movement for lengthy periods of time, and frustrate you with the apparent lack of progress. You may also feel the looming threat of chronic long term ankle or foot pain.
It can be a very stressful experience.
The Physiotherapists at Adaptive Allied health in Booragoon are here to help you get through it safely and bounce back. We are experienced, dedicated, and open to answering your questions.

Why Am I Having Ankle Pain?
Ankle issues can arise from various causes, often resulting from injuries that involve twisting or rolling of the ankle. In other cases, these problems may emerge slowly over time due to repetitive motions or irregular walking patterns.
Acute ankle injuries typically hinder your ability to support weight, leading to pain, swelling, and a decreased range of motion. Even injuries that initially appear minor can evolve into chronic pain and dysfunction, complicating everyday tasks.
The causes and risk factors for ankle disorders include:
A sprain is defined as a ligament overstretching or tearing. Ankle sprains are frequently caused by a faulty step, such as stepping awkwardly on uneven terrain or in a hole. Sprains can also occur as a result of a sudden change in direction in sports.
When the ankle rolls, twists, or turns awkwardly to the outside of the ankle, a “sprain” occurs (i.e., lateral ankle sprain). The ligaments that support the ankle joint are partially or completely ripped as a result of this sudden stretch.
The degree of pain, inflammation, ability to move the joints, and time frame for healing and recovery will all be determined by the severity of the injury. Ankle injuries, regardless of how they occurred, should be evaluated by a physiotherapist to begin rehabilitation and ensure no permanent damage has occurred.
If you have pain on the outside of your ankle, it could be the result of a previous injury that did not heal properly. In most cases, the pain persists due to a change in the range of motion caused by the initial (or subsequent) sprains. In some cases, the ligament(s) were completely ruptured, resulting in joint instability.
As your ankle joints become more unstable or have limitations in range of motion, they can become chronically and persistently painful.
Ankle fractures are most commonly caused by rolling or twisting the ankle and occur in the bony bump on the outside of the ankle (i.e., the lateral malleolus). The lateral malleolus is located at the base of the fibula bone.
The bump on the inside of your ankle (the medial malleolus) is the tibia bone’s bottom and is less commonly fractured.
A trimalleolar fracture is a serious injury that can have long-term effects on your quality of life. The tibia, fibula, and talus bone are all involved in a trimalleolar fracture. The talus is a foot bone located between the tibia and fibula bones.
Ankle fractures may require weeks of rest in order to heal properly.
Arthritis is a common condition characterized by degeneration, inflammation, decreased range of motion, and pain. This condition can affect people of all ages, but it usually gets worse as they get older.
The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both types of arthritis damage the cartilage, limiting your ability to walk and move around over time. Both types of arthritis can have a significant impact on your ankle joint and overall function.
An unexpected strain on the Achilles tendon can result in tiny tears or even a complete rupture. Tears that are less than 50% of the length of the tendon can heal without surgery. It is critical to seek the advice of a trained physiotherapist on how to properly rehabilitate this injury.
Resting or pushing too hard too soon often leads to complications, such as scar tissue or chronic weakness and pain.
Achilles tendonitis is frequently associated with an overuse or repetitive stress injury. Tendinitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed, causing swelling and pain, particularly when the affected area is moved.
If you are suffering from any of these conditions, please do not hesitate to contact Adaptive Allied Health in Booragoon for assistance.
Will Physiotherapy Help My Ankle Pain?
If you or someone you care about is experiencing foot pain, our physiotherapy center in Booragoon can provide the help you need. During your initial visit, our expert physiotherapists will perform an in-depth evaluation to pinpoint the cause of your ankle pain and create a personalized treatment plan. We are committed to helping you return to your activities as quickly as possible.
Our primary objectives initially are to enhance joint mobility, alleviate pain, and strengthen the muscles in your lower leg and foot. Our physiotherapy treatment plans often incorporate specialized hands-on techniques, including joint mobilization and soft tissue massage. Additionally, we typically include exercises designed to improve balance, coordination, and walking patterns in our rehabilitation programs.
Are you experiencing any of the symptoms in the list below, as result of your ankle injury?
If your answer is “yes”, and you’re looking for someone to offer a solution that addresses the root cause, then we can be of great help to you:
- You've experienced persistent pain and/or stiffness in your foot/ankle for 9 consecutive days or longer
- You've recently suffered a tout fracture, or have been diagonised (or self-diagonised) with plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or an ankle sprain
- You are expereincing pain around the achilles and calf area, making it hard to walk first thing in the morning
- Your general practitioner advised you with rest or painkillers, and you haven't noticed significant progress since then
- Stepping out of bed in the morning, you experienced a sharp pain under the ball of your foot or at the back of the heel, and it begins to ease up 20 or so minutes after you've begun your routine
- You've sustained damage to your ankle weeks or months ago through a fall or a wrong twist, and since then your ankle has become very stiff and has caused you pain and discomfort with regular movement on daily busts
- You have an unclear idea of what your injury is, how it happened, how long it will likely take to heal, and what you can, can't, and shouldn't do as it heals.
If you’ve had to suffer through any of the scenarios above, then it’s about time you get the professional help you need, and we can provide just that.
Relieve Your Foot & Ankle Pain Now With The Help Of Our Physiotherapists
Our treatment program works best for you if you are serious about your health.
If you’ve had enough of the daily frustrations and restrictions of foot and ankle pain, you will be relieved and optimistic after hearing the informed and educated opinions of our expert Physiotherapists.
Book An Appointment Today!
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